Websites & Blogs
BGS members websites and blogs.
Explore the world of genealogy and discover interesting historical facts about Brevard County, FL with genealogy librarian Michael Boonstra
A collection of family letters, papers, and photos of Arabella Maria "Belle" Tisdale Booksh (1855-1934)
Journal & Diary of F. W. Munson
Frank W. Munson (1857-1919) A Florida Pioneer
Here you will find TWO copies of the The Pennsylvania-German Magazine. The first copy is July 1909 and the second copy is December 1910. In the Links you will find a connection the the entire 12 months of 1910 at Google.
A Study of the BARBEE Families of Chatham, Orange and Wake Counties in North Carolina
...a correct and authentic record of all those descended from the Lyster family of Queens County, Ireland, who bear, or have born the name of Lyster in America during the 19th century.
There are 4871 names in this family tree. The earliest recorded event is the birth of Barbee, William in 1660. Webmaster -- Linda Thompson.
There are 1023 names in this family tree. The earliest recorded event is the birth of Jensen, Jens in 1732. Webmaster -- Linda Thompson
There are 1416 names in this family tree. The earliest recorded event is the birth of Covey, William in 1625. Webmaster -- Linda Thompson.
Hampton Family History & Research
This site is slightly dated, but still contains valuable information on the Hamptons.
This is a story of Wainwright F. Baylor, his brother Lewis S. Baylor and their brother-in-law Frederick Taylor and how the Civil War affected their lives.
This is a tale of a runaway marriage of a very young woman to a man held to be a scoundrel by some of her relatives, a dispute over property and the legal wranglings of the court system.
A collection of newspaper articles reporting the Packwood Murders and the following trial. Compiled by Jim and Bonnie Garmon
TC Cottrell and Thana White Cottrell 321 543-4032